Sunday, August 10, 2008

John Eugenio's First Birthday



To: John Eugenio, My Great Grand Son

From: Great Grand Dad Johnny Mann

I wanted a bright Red Fire Engine for John that you could sit on it and drive to all the big fires in your area, so you could press on the loud horn, ring the bells, sound the big horn, and most important is that you are the Chief, John Eugenio, the Captain, and it is very important you take charge of all the fires in the big City. You can tell your entire crew of Firemen, "Don't give up". Our big job today is "To stop this great big fire from burning all the City." So I say "Keep up your great efforts to stop all fires"

In closing, go to your home and get a good rest because I need all you great Fire Fighters to say "we will stop all fires, to make our citizens safe and not lose their homes.

Well John Eugenio, "keep up your good work".

My best to you and your firemen.

Great Grand Father, Johnny Mann

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