Saturday, September 8, 2007

V Mail during WWII

V Mail stood for Victory Mail. You would write a letter and the Army would reduce it to the size of a post card, making it cheaper to mail to America. I wrote your mother 3 letters a day.

Your mother got very mad with me. We were told not to write about our location. Instead of writing about being in a serious battle in France, I wrote letters describing the English countryside. Your mother told the corner grocery store guy, who had a son overseas, where I was. He said "like hell he is. He met my son in France and they saw Bing Crosby." Your mother wrote me a terrible letter and I wrote back telling her I can't be telling you about everyone dying.

When I returned from the war, Kitty introduced me to the mailman "This is the man who wrote me all those letters."


~Vital~ said...

I love this. Thank you so much for sharing such intimate times with us all. I am linking your place on my space so I can continue to enjoy. Happy Belated Birthday!

Ilene said...

I love reading about your good life, Mr Mann. How about that daughter of yours doing an update. It's been 16 days, Kit!

bonnie said...

I read on my friend Cheryl's blog that you do this for your dad and I am very moved by your intimate and loving gift of this blog in his name. What a wonderful thing.

Darlene said...

This is beautiful! Hope to see more stores here very soon. My dad was in WWII and sent us kids post cards. I still have mine, lots of them. I have been thinking about putting them on my blog. Don't know if they would be of interest to anyone. Am adding you to my favorites so I can visit you. God bless!

Darlene said...

Checking back to say hello. Hope all is well. In the meantime I'll be reading your blog archives.

God bless!